Polanski er en stor kunstner - han har laget fantastiske filmer i årene etter at han rømte USA for å slippe unna en tiltale. Det er udiskutabelt.
Og forutsigbart nok har det dukket opp et opprop til forsvar for ham. Selveste Bernard-Henri Lévy står bak og Huffington Post videreformidler oppropet:
Apprehended like a common terrorist Saturday evening, September 26, as he came to receive a prize for his entire body of work, Roman Polanski now sleeps in prison.Oppropet er signert av blant annet Bernard-Henri Lévy, Salman Rushdie, Milan Kundera, Pascal Bruckner, Isabelle Huppert, Mike Nichols og Paul Auster. En celeber forsamling.
[...] Seventy-six years old, a survivor of Nazism and of Stalinist persecutions in Poland, Roman Polanski risks spending the rest of his life in jail for deeds which would be beyond the statute-of-limitations in Europe.
We ask the Swiss courts to free him immediately and not to turn this ingenious filmmaker into a martyr of a politico-legal imbroglio that is unworthy of two democracies like Switzerland and the United States. Good sense, as well as honor, require it.
Jeg kan til en viss grad forstå ønsket om å beskytte en gammel mann som en gang gjorde noe fryktelig dumt, men oppropet er holdt i en patosfylt og arrogant tone, som helt ser bort fra at Polanski faktisk er anklaget for å ha voldtatt et barn. Og at grunnen til at det er gått så lang tid er at han rømte USA før han kunne bli holdt ansvarlig for sine handlinger.
For de som vil sette seg inn i saken, har The Smoking Gun lagt ut hele Samantha Geimers vitnemål i saken. Det er ikke trivelig lesning.
For å sitere Smokings Guns oppsummering:
The teenager's troubling--and contemporaneous--account of her abuse at Polanski's hands begins with her posing twice for topless photos that the director said were for French Vogue. The girl then told prosecutors how Polanski directed her to, "Take off your underwear" and enter the Jacuzzi, where he photographed her naked. Soon, the director, who was then 43, joined her in the hot tub. He also wasn't wearing any clothes and, according to Gailey's testimony, wrapped his hands around the child's waist.Dakar Polanski. Tenk å bli behandlet som terrorist. Det er såååååååååå fælt.
The girl testified that she left the Jacuzzi and entered a bedroom in Nicholson's home, where Polanski sat down beside her and kissed the teen, despite her demands that he "keep away." According to Gailey, Polanski then performed a sex act on her and later "started to have intercourse with me." At one point, according to Gailey's testimony, Polanski asked the 13-year-old if she was "on the pill," and "When did you last have your period?" Polanski then asked her, Gailey recalled, "Would you want me to go in through your back?" before he "put his penis in my butt." Asked why she did not more forcefully resist Polanski, the teenager told Deputy D.A. Roger Gunson, "Because I was afraid of him."
Oppdatering: Les også Kate Hardings udmerkede oppsummering av saken i Salon: Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child.
(Takk til @alorentsen og @Bengtassen på Twitter for å ha vist meg veien til henholdsvis The Smoking Guns og Huffington Posts saker.)
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