MEET PC Pam Fleming - the first cop to admit publicly to being a Jedi.Jeg er særlig svak for formuleringen "For me, it is not a joke. I love the Star Wars films and the concept of being a Jedi." Vi lever i sannhet i postmoderne tider.
The Scots constable stepped forward yesterday - lightsabre in hand - to say: "I'm a Jedi and I'm proud."
... she claims her faith helps her fight crime, adding: "For me, it is not a joke. I love the Star Wars films and the concept of being a Jedi.
"The faith is not divisive. It does not matter what your race, faith or sexual orientation is. You can be one. It is all-encompassing."
... The Jedi religion, who believe in the concept of the Force within nature, has more than 400,000 members in the UK.
They say on their website: "The Jedi Church accepts all races and species.
Og hva bildet angår, slår det meg at "nøtter" er et høyst relevant begrep.
3 kommentarer:
Ja. Det er helt utrolig. Og sånn.
Nesten så man får lyst til å ta en øl - på Grünerhagen!
Hva med politiuniformen?
Nøtt eller ikke nøtt, fru Blom!
Bildet gir et endelig og ugjenkallelig bevis for at det finnes i det minste en form for intelligent liv på denne planeten!
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