mandag 3. november 2008

Alas, alas for England

Det er visst valg i USA i disse dager. Og valg er alltid en god anledning for viderebringe G.K. Chestertons vise og slagkraftige ord om de store menn og kvinner som leder oss. Feil land, men skitt au:

Elegy in a Country Churchyard
The men that worked for England
They have their graves at home:
And birds and bees of England
About the cross can roam.

But they that fought for England,
Following a falling star,
Alas, alas for England
They have their graves afar.

And they that rule in England,
In stately conclave met,
Alas, alas for England
They have no graves as yet.

(Selve tittelen henspeiler på Thomas Grays klassiske Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, fra 1751.)

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